
Engineered Spirits - Road to the back field

Core Values of Engineered Spirits

I did my share of farming when I was a young man and it is hard work. Farming, though, is not a talent for me. I discovered one talent I did have, though: cooking. I learned to cook by necessity, since my mom and dad had to work and I liked to eat. 

And not just eat. There is a way to cook that I have to equate to music. A person can play music, but a musician can make magic. I ate well.

Thus, I learned through my grandmother, aunts, mother and my dad, how to prepare food. And not just from the grocery store. We raised hogs, beef, chickens, and we hunted. That’s a plethora of things to eat,  along with a half-acre garden that produced enough green beans, tomatoes, okra, cucumbers/pickles, etc. for 12 people to eat throughout the year. And since I was the oldest grandchild, I was there helping with all of it.  

Working daily with the women in my family made me understand how hard they worked while my dad and uncles were away. It was from those ladies I learned there is no time to sit around, waiting to be told what to do. There is a lot of stuff to be done, so we all have to work together. 

They made me think beyond myself and they taught me how to be polite. I knew they’d be there for me if I needed them, but they’d also teach me a lesson if I didn’t act like somebody.  Selflessness and caring about others and their well-being was something I witnessed first-hand everyday. The women of my family taught me to think of others, to be aware of unspoken needs and, in general, how to live a life that helps others see they are appreciated and how they can give of themselves as well.

So, here’s the start of being somebody. A way to put those cooking skills to use, to be with family and to share experiences. Working with your family is a bond difficult to describe. No one is getting paid at the end of the day, but you have food canned, so you can have green bean casserole at Christmas, wood in the wood pile so you’ll  be warm, and lessons you’ll take with you to share with everyone you meet on the road back home.

Welcome to Engineered Spirits

Engineered Spirits - Petty Branch Road

Anyone who knows me can tell you, I love to cook. I love making an experience to share with people.  I want them to take that “energy of giving” away with them and I want it to make them smile.

Engineered Spirits began as everything does, with an idea. I grew up on a farm in a very rural area. It was a  lot of hard work. I wanted to see the world and experience what other places had to offer, other than just hard work and  daily chores. What I didn’t realize back then was that what I had was very rare. 

After being away for thirty years, it’s time to go  back to be with that jewel. One thing I’ve learned  in my travels is there’s more to land than just farming. The land  has other resources that,  when combined with a vision, can be blended in such a way as to bring the same type of joy I hope to give people when I cook. 

The people I want to celebrate are those like my family. Hard-working thinkers who never just sat by when they thought something could be improved. They all came about it their own way. Independent people. Using what they had and making things better. Sometimes there was collaboration with others on big projects and when that happened, ideas would be bantered about and welcomed, discussed, and respected. 

There are many stories here at the farm. Most happy, some sad, but all with a lesson. So let’s get a beverage and sit a spell. There are tales to tell.